Thursday, October 9, 2008

El Ejercito Magnifico, Regimental Guide (3)

Being a brief overview of the regiments in the service of La Union Real, that shall be portrayed here from time to time (in a haphazard manner most befitting La Union Real)
Regimiento linea no 3 (Salsa-Verde)

The Salsa-Verde is best known for an incident in the War of the Failed Succession in 1703. During the campaign of 1703 the regiment, being rather down the roll in terms of seniority (or proprietor's influence at court), was ordered to cover a newly established magazine and the army's line of communications. The regiment successfully stood off raids by invading hussars and borderers for almost two weeks, until supported by the timely arrival two squadrons of dragoons. Officers in the regiment, instead of the pompom depicted here, wear a dried bundle of green chiles in their hats to commemorate the incident. Shown are musketeer and grenadier uniforms and the Regimentsfahne.


Bluebear Jeff said...

Not only do I like this uniform, but the story behind it as well.

-- Jeff

Ken said...

I'm gonna have to be careful--it would be easy to do a zillion different regiments, but El Ejercito Magnifico is -- in my mind's eye, at any rate -- something like two-thirds or three-quarters the size of the Gallian army all told.

abdul666 said...

As long as you regal us with so pleasant uniforms and regimental accounts, feel free to enlarge El Ejercito Magnifico to Chinese dimensions!
3/4 of the 'historical' French army already offers ample room - and then, the Union Real may have already invented reservists / territorial volunteers / yeomanry...

David Morfitt said...

Good to see my templates in use somewhere new; an acknowledgement of my blog as the source would be appreciated:



Ken said...

You are quite right, David. I have been remiss. My apologies.

David Morfitt said...

Thank you: I appreciate the acknowledgement. :-)


MurdocK said...

Now when you assemble this army on the tabletop be sure to wear shades!

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